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Sturla Viajes is a family business that has been developing through three generations under a fundamental premise: honesty and hard work.

It is by upholding these principles that we have a 76 year experience providing services in the Delta del Paraná. 

Originally engaged in transporting passengers in the Delta area, we have evolved and reestablished the standards for this kind of companies.

Technology has been incorporated as one of the key tools for preventing, coordinating, and managing the services that Sturla y Cia offers to all passengers.

Technical advances include operation and administrative systems, as well as satellite navigation systems in our units. Our fleet has satellite navigating devices that provide us with immediate information on location, speed, itinerary, etc.

Training our staff is also a priority for setting up our working parameters: navigating personnel with the courses dictated by the Argentine Coast Guards and our ground staff with group training for better customer care.

At Sturla y Cía., we are developing national and international tourism 365 days a year. We attend international tourism fairs in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, to name the main markets in Latin America, as well as fairs in Córdoba, Santa Fe, Tucumán, Mendoza, Buenos Aires, among others.

Our services include trips in the first and second section of the island area for individual passengers and groups; we make trips in the Rio de la Plata, and night trips under the moonlight. We have a department devoted to the organization of events, from product launching, workday meetings to social events.

We are exclusively licensed to provide transportation to the nautical closed neighborhoods Isla Santa Mónica and Isla del Este, and to San Isidro Nautical Club.

In May 2008, we launched the Proa Urbana service, uniting Tigre and Downtown Buenos Aires in one hour. We have added two more stops: San Fernando and San Isidro. Since 2010, we also provide this service from Olivos.

Our fleet comprises six Classic boats and five Premium boats; we have six boarding ports located in Nordelta, Tigre, San Fernando, San Isidro, Olivos, and Downtown Buenos Aires.

Our offices are located in the river station Domingo Faustino Sarmiento in Tigre, and in Dársena Norte, Buenos Aires Port, in Downtown Buenos Aires.

Sturla Viajes - Tigre
Avenida Mitre 319 - Local 10 - 1648 - 1648 
Tigre, Buenos Aires 
011 4731-1300

WhatsApp: +5491130526952   
Email: sturla@sturlaviajes.tur.ar

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Sturla Viajes - Buenos Aires
Cecilia Grierson 400. 
Dársena Norte. Pto. de Bs. As. 
Tel.: 4314-8555

WhatsApp: +5491164659927
Email: info@sturlaviajes.tur.ar

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